Thursday, October 3, 2013

Let's talk about Time Management

So... My sincerest apologies to anyone who actually reads this, but life happens. Stuff comes up that has to be taken care of, and I am human. I need some time for eating and sleeping. i know, total shocker to anyone that has ever heard a writer say "I live to write." That is so true. So let's talk about that.

How to manage your time so that you don't go completely bonkers.

Now, perhaps I am not the most experienced person on this topic, however, I do know how to manage my time. Sometimes, I just choose not to. Also, it takes time to build another habit into your day. I have spent so much time (in the last three or four years especially) writing and trying to make that a part of my day. everyday I sit down and write a little more and that has made me both a better writer and a better friend.

Wait, how does my writing affect my friendships? Great question! You see, I feel like the biggest part of my friendships is my ability to communicate and support my friends. However, if I have characters cooped up in my head, and I'm focusing so hard on keeping them there until I'm in 'the right mood" to write their story. I can hardly be a good friend. So, yes writing every day helps me be a better friend.

I have also learned that sometimes you just need to ask yourself what's actually important. Often I would love to sit down and write (I've been dieing to get back on here for a week!) but other things (namely school and work) get in the way. Let me take you through my last week: work on Saturday from 2PM until 945PM (I did have to babysit prior to that), Sunday I worked from 10AM until 1PM at which point I went to school for my chorus class until nearly 630PM, then I had to do the grocery shopping until 10PM. Monday through today I have had school and homework out the wazoo! So, forgive me for neglecting my blog for a few days.

but now let me just say that the way I handle my time is not the best. After all, I may be a straight A student (yes I am bragging a little there) but I am not a grade A friend. often I bail on my friends in favor of writing or doing homework. Most of the time I do ignore the school functions (like dances, sporting events, etc.) simply because I prefer to stay on top of my grades.

Now I am not saying that good grades are more important than friends. but also friends (and any type of social life for that matter) are not more important than good grades. So, what is the most important thing?
Not jsut being happy. Certainly not YOLO, or anything else even close to that way of living.


Yup, that's it. Learn to weigh the good with the bad. Old with new. Social with Academic. Tr4ust me it's hard, but you learn, little by little, how to build a schedule that is not every second of every day planned out, but it is also not so loose that you are just going with what everyone else tells you to do.

Flow with the current, but at your own pace. Go to the party on Saturday night, but study on Sunday. Don't live each day like your last, but don't watch life pass you by either.

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