Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Long Time, No See

So. I've officially graduated high school and I am now preparing to head off to college. The last month and a half have been a whirlwind of "get this paper in!" "Fill out these important forms ASAP!" "Do this or you can't graduate!" "Do this or you can't go to college!" and a bunch of fun stuff like that. So between Prom, Graduation, Finishing High School, and Enrolling in classes for college, I managed to submit a story for professional publication.

Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that I will get published. But I did manage to send the story in, and now I'm just waiting to hear back on that. In the mean time I've been working on some fun little writing exercises, and trying to finish at least one novel/novella. But I've reached a plateau in all the stories. The kind of plateau that is essential to the story, but it hard to write.

To Clarify: every book, movie, play, etc. has a point where it's just a lull between actions. Or simply exposition. As a writer, it's hard to write that part. Especially for me. Every time I want to explain something, I hear my teacher's voice in my head saying Show, Don't Tell, SHOW DO NOT TELL. Which is really hard to do sometimes. Plus, I want to avoid what I call the "Twilight Montage" that is, in New Moon when there are, what, four? five? six? pages that consist of nothing but the name of the month? ("October" "November" "December"...you get the idea)

I also, as a writer, want to avoid the "info dump" as much as possible. That is, I don't want to just give you all the information at once, I have to draw it out through dialogue or a scene. Sometimes there is just no way around it. A writer has a deadline and just needs to get the information to the reader. But for now, I am not working on a deadline. I mean, yes I make deadlines for myself. But I don't have the promise of a payday being held over me. 

I guess this has just kind of turned into another rambling session of mine, hasn't it? Oh well. I do have some news, if anybody has made it this far. I am going to write some fan fiction and post it here. Don't worry, nothing smutty. And I'm working very specific here: crossover fanfic. Please, hold your insults and gagging, it gets better. I will be writing about Disney Princesses (and Princes, of course) at Hogwarts. (How original, right?) Just kidding on the original thing, but totally serious about writing these. I found (whilst paroozing tumblr) some really fun illustrations that people have done of their favorite Disney Princesses at Hogwarts. And I figure, Hey! I like Hogwarts, I like Disney! And I need to write something, and this is a good mind numbing exercise I can do while I try to figure out how to fill plot  holes I've accidentally created in my other works.

So keep an eye out for that, oh! And be expecting to see more of me. Because it is finally Summer and I have nothing better to do when it is raining and too hot to sleep.


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