Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daily Dose of Crazy

Welcome back!

Here is the window into the (very scary) place that is the inner workings of my mind.

Today's topic?  Lets try what makes me a writer.

Well I'm a writer because i have little voices that talk to me in my head all the time. they constantly call out for me to tell their lives stories. Every single one of them vie for my attention screaming "Pick me! Pick ME! No, ME!" and my head just isn't big enough for all of them. So i have to out them down on paper, most of the time on the computer.

Not each voice is a story. Sometimes I have three or four from the same story. Sometimes I have one that is just all by herself, just wanting to be given a name but really nothing more. Others want an entire world. they want to live and thrive and they demand my full attention (making school work a bit of a challenge). As it is, I have a character (and her story) right now begging for me to edit and revise. Crying out for me to keep expanding her world because she has so many questions that need to be answered. and so many new people to meet. All of this is coming, and she knows it.

I had to silence said character tho.  She was taking over too much. I needed her to be quiet so that I could focus on my calculus class. But, as it would be, my character still came out in the doodled margins of my notebook.

My stories are my life.

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