Monday, October 7, 2013

Things I Read

So, if any of you have ever met a published writer one of the most common things they say is that you have to read a lot in order to write well. I believe this 100% on top of that I am just an avid reader, so that totally works for me. I have expanded my horizons to include many genres when I read. Because, while I may not enjoy a Nicholas Sparks novel, it exposes me to a whole new area of fiction; and shows me another place where I might be able to draw some inspiration from.

Recently, my English Teacher had a book published. I am so proud of him! I bought his book from him right away. I wasn't expecting much, but I started reading it this weekend and... OH MY GOD!

Yes, it was that good. As a matter of fact I told him this morning that I expected it to be mediocre and was pleasantly surprised when I realized that it was good. My exact words to him were: "I have come to the conclusion that there is no way you wrote this. Because it is SO AMAZING!" At this point he laughed so loud that we got the evil eye from the people trying to enjoy the daily mass in the school chapel. It was totally worth it.

I have to share this with the internet. In the hopes that someday someone will read my work and be curious enough to look back at this sorry excuse for a blog. And, by reading this blundering prattle, might feel compelled to read his book. Thereby extending his audience and making me feel better that I have expanded someone's reading horizons.

Fair warning: this is NOT a children's book. There is swearing. There is innuendo. It is Horror. And I have not finished it yet. However, as my English teacher has told me, I have to "go through the dark to reach the light." So right now I have only encountered sadness and mind-blowing horror (physiological, not slasher). He promises it gets happier. However I doubt it will end with happy fuzzy kittens and unicorns dancing on rainbows. I mean, JUST LOOK AT THE COVER!

It just LOOKS SO EPIC and CREEPY! Yes I am fangirling a little over here. Yes I did squeal just a little when he handed it to me Friday morning. And yes, I am VERY proud to call him my English teacher and a role model. 

I have met nearly a dozen authors in the last three years (all thanks to my English teacher, who arranges for authors to come in and talk to us about writing). I have really honed in on my writing, getting critique from professional authors and peers alike. I have seen the work that goes in to taking a story from the mind of the author to the shelves of Barnes and Nobles. And I have to say that all of this is thanks to my crazy English teacher. The man who introduced me to the wondrous worlds of The Twilight Zone and Ray Bradbury. Who showed me that TV can be analyzed like books (and hooking me on Buffy The Vampire Slayer). I have been critiqued so hard but learned how to take it all with a grain of salt. 

Mr. Kevin Lucia, you are a role model for me. You are an inspiration. I have no words to describe how much I appreciate what you have done for me. The doors you've unlocked. The pathways you've uncovered. You have taken me from an unsure closet fantasy writer to a confident dark fantasy/dystopian writer. How can I say, without sounding cliche,that you have really done a number on my life? That I will never forget every piece of advise you've given me? Maybe, if I ever get published, you'll open one of my books and see that I have acknowledged you; but that still can't show enough how much I appreciate what you've done for me.

So, dear lovelies, remember this: English teachers CAN make a difference in your life. As a matter of fact, any teacher can change your life for the better. So take the advise. Run with it. Because teachers usually speak from experience. 

This post may seem stupid, or too personal for the internet. But I feel that this needs to be shared...and once again: my blog, my rules.

In short: Mr. Lucia, If you happen to read this blog, GREAT JOB! Any fans I might gain: GO READ THIS BOOK! and everybody can expect more posts about things I read and authors I've met.


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